The Sisterhood of the
Traveling Journal

Welcome to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Journal, a creative collaboration among friends!

The 4 of us have been friends across time and space for several years, connected by our passion for making art and our commitment to growing our creative businesses.

We value connection, community, creativity and collaboration.

Together we came up with this concept of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Journal(s) and we are excited to share each of our individual parts and our collective project with you.

What makes this project unique is that we've each added an element of our own creativity to create 4 individual journals that will come back to us at the end.

Here’s how it worked:

  1. Andrea painted one side of 2 large sheets of paper and sent them to Roben-Marie.
  2. Roben-Marie painted the other sides of the paper and sent them off to Ali.
  3. Ali turned the individual sheets into journals and sent them off to Minette.
  4. Minette added more paint and marks to the insides of the journal and then sent each person a journal.

We want to encourage you to create a similar traveling journal project with your creative friends or family.

Here are a few ideas to spark your creativity:

  • Find 3 friends and start your own collaborative project.
  • Create the project in person with your kids or family members.
  • Make a bunch on your own and send them off as innovative and original holiday gifts.

Want to create your own Sisterhood of the Traveling Journal?

We will show you how we did it! In the spirit of giving thanks and giving generously to our communities, we are offering this project for free.

Inside you will find:

  • Videos from each artist on their part of the process from painting to bookmaking and mark making.
  • A collaborative video with all of us working in our journals together.
  • Supply Lists for each step of the project

Videos available until February 10th, 2024.