A Goodie Bag to Start Your Week

Happy Monday Reader,

With all the tragic things happening in the world right now, I want to offer a quiet respite. Snuggle into an arm chair, wrap your hands around a warm drink and read some of the inspiring things I've found on the internet over the past few weeks.

Printing Secrets for Bookbinders

I highly recommend this 4-part blog series by book club member Tadara Smith. While you're there, check out the amazing printables she sells in her store.

Instagram Finds

Poetry Unbound

I was thrilled (I mean tongue-tied fan girl kind of thrilled) to meet the poet Pádraig Ó Tuama last week. He spoke passionately about the role of poetry in modern times in a tiny New England church at a small lectern from which Ralph Waldo Emerson once preached.

If you're intrigued by modern poetry but don't quite know where to start, then Padraig's latest book Poetry Unbound could be the answer. Each of the 50 poems is accompanied by an essay that provides context and interpretation, which for me makes the poems so much more enjoyable.

Padraig also hosts a podcast by the same name.

Last but not least, something to make you smile. I've been laughing about #4 for days.

In the online store, we have re-stocked have some fun new collage packs that you might like if you're junk journaler.

Have a beautiful week my friend,

Ali Manning

145 Main Street, Suite 208, Groton, MA 01450
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Handmade Journals with Ali Manning

I've been growing a creative community since the internet dark ages of 2007 when I started my first blog. I now run an online bookbinding community called the Handmade Book Club. It's a subscription site that provides monthly education and connection. As of the end of of 2023, my list is 23k. I'd love to collaborate with other artists and creators.

Read more from Handmade Journals with Ali Manning

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Hello Reader, Please join me today at 10am EST when I show you how to create another quick handmade holiday gift. It will be recorded :) WATCH VIDEO Have a beautiful day, Ali 145 Main Street, Suite 208, Groton, MA 01450Unsubscribe · Preferences