Lying in Bed and Day Dreaming About Art

Sick Bed Resources

Happy Saturday Reader,

I hope your week was better than mine. I've been laid low with bronchitis for the whole week.

We have so many fun projects happening at Vintage Page Designs and The Handmade Book Club that being sick wasn't part of my plan 🤦‍♀️

But sometimes the universe has other plans and our bodies make us slow down. But I still have some fun things to share with you from reading my ipad all week.

Artwork Hack

I discovered Emily Hadley's Instagram account and loved her blog post about Affordable Artwork Hacks, including using old book covers, calendars and tea towels. I think you'll be inspired to create a new gallery wall in your studio this weekend.

Upcycled Art

I've been a huge fan of Jane Davies for years and was lucky enough to take a collage class with her in Vermont before the pandemic.

I love her recent approach to cutting up pieces of her artwork, including this piece which contains 2" squares.

Summer Tunes

Don't certain songs just remind you of summer - like Under The Boardwalk or Summer of '69? I'm looking forward to taking part in Rosann Whale's Free Summer Songs with HeART music and art challenge - check out the details by clicking below.


I can't wait to get off the couch and try this fun paint and bubble technique that Catherine Rains demonstrates on her YouTube channel.

I'm going to try it on a piece of printmaking paper and use it as a soft book cover!

What are your weekend plans? A family reunion, a little weeding, time in the studio, a beach day? Hit reply and let me know and I'll live vicariously through you.

Warm wishes, Ali

P.S. there are still some June paper packs left in stock and we have just re-stocked our large punching cradles.

145 Main Street, Suite 208, Groton, MA 01450
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Handmade Journals with Ali Manning

I've been growing a creative community since the internet dark ages of 2007 when I started my first blog. I now run an online bookbinding community called the Handmade Book Club. It's a subscription site that provides monthly education and connection. As of the end of of 2023, my list is 23k. I'd love to collaborate with other artists and creators.

Read more from Handmade Journals with Ali Manning

Hello Reader, I hope you had a great weekend and set aside time to get into your crafting/art making space. Did you know that we publish a new blog post every week? If not, here's what you've missed lately Fabric Book Covers Enjoy lots of fabric cover inspiration from our Handmade Book Club members. Read post Top 10 Free Tutorials Find my top 10 projects all in one convenient spot. Use them for your next creative playdate with friends. Read post Behind the Scenes You might also have missed...

Hello Reader, do you ever feel like when things are going really well, the universe has a way of bringing you back down to earth with a bump? That happened to me this week. Mikki visited the office last week and we made lots of exciting plans for the Handmade Book Club in 2024. I was back doing YouTube lives after a break during the Fall and I was hoping to end the year strong - we just hit 23,000 subscribers and 1 million video views. Then after 4 years of avoiding getting sick with Covid,...

Hello Reader, Please join me today at 10am EST when I show you how to create another quick handmade holiday gift. It will be recorded :) WATCH VIDEO Have a beautiful day, Ali 145 Main Street, Suite 208, Groton, MA 01450Unsubscribe · Preferences