Want some bookbinding organizing tips?

Make Ahead Bookbinding Method

Happy Thursday Reader,

I want to be the kind of person who plants seeds in January so that I have a garden full of summer flowers. And I want to be that person who prepares a week's worth of meals on Sunday night.

However, I spend too much money at the garden center on pre-grown garden annuals in July and find myself ordering take out at 7pm several nights per week. Can you relate?

But one area of my life where I do plan is in my journal making.

I hope you can join me today live on YouTube at noon EDT when I'll be taking you behind the scenes of how I prep all kinds of supplies so that I'm ready when inspiration strikes!

Don't worry it'll be recorded but I'd love to hear your ideas live.

New Items in Store

Studio Decor

We have some fun one-off vintage wood type in our online store that would make a unique decorating element in your studio or assemblage project. Get them while they last.

Accordion Books

We've made your life easy with these 2-packs of pre-folded 4 panel handmade paper accordion books. Look at the lovely deckled edge!

Paper grain, book board & sulphite paper

There were some juicy questions during last week's live Q&A on YouTube about paper grain issues, where to buy book board, different types of sulphite paper and working with screw punches.

Have a wonderful day my friend,

Warm wishes, Ali

145 Main Street, Suite 208, Groton, MA 01450
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Handmade Journals with Ali Manning

I've been growing a creative community since the internet dark ages of 2007 when I started my first blog. I now run an online bookbinding community called the Handmade Book Club. It's a subscription site that provides monthly education and connection. As of the end of of 2023, my list is 23k. I'd love to collaborate with other artists and creators.

Read more from Handmade Journals with Ali Manning

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Hello Reader, Please join me today at 10am EST when I show you how to create another quick handmade holiday gift. It will be recorded :) WATCH VIDEO Have a beautiful day, Ali 145 Main Street, Suite 208, Groton, MA 01450Unsubscribe · Preferences